Thursday, May 15, 2014

First time blogger

Hello everyone,
  This is the first time I have ever blogged, however I am very excited! I can't wait to share all of my experiences in Micronesia. I am currently still on U.S. soil, I leave my home in Colorado on June 2nd, 2014. I am very excited for the amazing opportunity that awaits. I will be teaching English to the local students. I am still unsure on how much internet I will have, so my blogging posts might be staggered. I will do my best to keep everyone at home informed about my journey. I am sure I will have low times, followed by many high times, either way, I will keep you all informed. I will be living with a host family, so I will be completely immersed in the local culture. I am currently crossing all my Ts and dotting all my Is here at home as I anxiously prepare for life in a new home. There are 22 other Americans that will be making this trip with me. I have not met any of them, but I will on June 2nd in L.A. For the summer I will spend time with all of them for intensive cultural and language training. At the end of the summer, we will all be placed in our communities where we will spend the remaining two years. I will post again after staging in L.A. on June 2nd.  
Until then,

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