Thursday, September 18, 2014

Getting the ball rolling

I finally feel like I am adjusting to my new life here in Yap, it has taken about a month but I feel like I am starting to feel like I am home. I have developed a plan for the year with where I want my students to be. Teaching is not easy! We just got internet at the school so I am able to do more research and stay in better touch with my family! I am getting used to the food,  I actually like taro now. My weekends are never boring. This past weekend I went on a fun boating/fishing trip. I was able to do great snorkling! There are so many beautiful fish in the sea! I joined the Gagil paddeling team! We practice every mon. Wed. Fri. And Sun. So I have a very busy schedule which is just how I like it! My principal wants me to work on getting a school year book started. Something I know very little about but I told him I would look into it. He also wants the kids to work on a school newspaper, another great idea, yet something I know very little about. Now that I have internet I will be able to look it up! Also we keep getting books donated to the library, which is great! Yet very exhausting! I have a great little office in the library and the set up is very nice! I am making friends, although I still feel like I can't be 100% me around them, I am sure that will come with time! Well thats all for now, till next time! 

Friday, September 5, 2014

The famous stone money that Yap is known for. 

First week with the kids

Well, teaching is not as easy as I thought, to all you teachers out there, way to go!! This first week was very exhasting yet rewarding too. My students need a lot of help, but I guess that is why I am here! I am having trouble with lesson planning, but every day gets a little easier. This weekend is my birthday weekend and my host mom is taking me to a cook out on the beach! I am very excited! I do wish my family at home could be there too. Miss you all!