Thursday, September 18, 2014

Getting the ball rolling

I finally feel like I am adjusting to my new life here in Yap, it has taken about a month but I feel like I am starting to feel like I am home. I have developed a plan for the year with where I want my students to be. Teaching is not easy! We just got internet at the school so I am able to do more research and stay in better touch with my family! I am getting used to the food,  I actually like taro now. My weekends are never boring. This past weekend I went on a fun boating/fishing trip. I was able to do great snorkling! There are so many beautiful fish in the sea! I joined the Gagil paddeling team! We practice every mon. Wed. Fri. And Sun. So I have a very busy schedule which is just how I like it! My principal wants me to work on getting a school year book started. Something I know very little about but I told him I would look into it. He also wants the kids to work on a school newspaper, another great idea, yet something I know very little about. Now that I have internet I will be able to look it up! Also we keep getting books donated to the library, which is great! Yet very exhausting! I have a great little office in the library and the set up is very nice! I am making friends, although I still feel like I can't be 100% me around them, I am sure that will come with time! Well thats all for now, till next time! 

1 comment:

  1. It's great to hear that you are adjusting, Jenny! You have been through a LOT of change and so I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel like you're settling in. I know not all days will be perfect but I hope you continue to have more good than bad ones!
