Sunday, May 24, 2015

Medical Evacuation

First, I will start by apologizing for not posting in a long time. I have been extremely busy with teaching, the youth group, the workout class and preparing for graduation and my family visiting. Also, by the end of each day I am so exhausted I can do nothing but sleep. Until recently I thought being so exhausted was normal. I was very busy, so being so tired was normal, right? Well, apparently I thought wrong. It all started about two months ago. I began be so tired, that one time I even feel asleep in one of my classes! A class I was teaching! After this I called my doctor. We thought it was just because I was so busy, but then things got worse. I started to get light headed and dizzy. Work outs became harder, and I was gaining weight. When I called my doctor with these complaints, she thought it might be vertigo. So she sent some anti-vertigo medication, and also sent me to Yap State Hospital to get my blood work taken. Unfortunately Yap State Hospital doesn't do all of the blood tests that my doctor wanted done, so they send the blood work to Guam to have a tech there do all the tests. In the mean time, I also had an EKG test done. My heart rate turned out to be the problem, it was only 38 the day I took the test. However, we wanted to wait to see the blood test results. We waited and waited and waited. No news from Yap Hospital. About a month after I got my blood drawn, my doctor was very upset we still did not have the results. When she called Yap State Hospital that day, the details are unclear, but somehow, my blood never made it to Guam. We waited for a whole month, for nothing. Because of this, my medical evacuation began. I was medically evacuated from Yap to Pohnpei, where the Peace Corps doctor is located. I flew in, and I was able to rest that day. The next day, the testing began. More blood work done, and another EKG. The blood work showed a small imbalance with my thyroid hormone, but not enough to be causing all this trouble. The EKG test, showed my heart rate was now at a 35, so it was getting slower. Because of my EKG test, the Peace Corps decided that I need to see a specialist. Specifically a cardiologist and an endocrinologist. Well, fun fact about Micronesia, there are no cardiologist in the whole country. So my journey to health now continues to Bangkok, Thailand.  Another fun fact about Micronesia, the only air line that flies through here is United, so finding a last minute flight from Pohnpei to Bangkok is not easy. So, I am currently waiting in Pohnpei for my flight to Bangkok. The flight leaves tomorrow. In the mean time, I feel myself getting weaker, and weaker. I am tired all of the time, and oh am I bored. I am not really aloud to walk around, so I find myself either watching T.V. on my laptop, or checking my e-mail. Still, I feel drained. If I wasn't so eager to get better, I might be scared to be going to Bangkok. I will be having the Peace Corps doctor escort me, in case something happens on the long flight over. I will then be directly admitted into the hospital there. I will be sure to keep you all posted. I have to say, the Peace Corps has been taking very good care of me, I can tell they are concerned and just as eager as I am to get me healthy again.

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