Tuesday, August 19, 2014

New home

I have made it safely to my new home in Yap. I am feeling exactly the way I knew that I would feel, alone. We stayed in a hotel the night before our flight so I left my Pohnpein family on Friday. On Thursday they through a huge fest for me. They even killed and roasted a whole  pig just for me! It was amazing and it really showed how much they cared about me. They also spent all day sewing me 3 new skirts! They are absolutely beautiful! I realized that day that I was really a part of the family... And it was going to be so hard to leave them! Friday we spent the night in a hotel, then we left at noon on Saturday to the airport. At the airport my host family was waiting for me to send me off. This just shows how great they were. We flew all day Saturday, Pohnpei to Chuuk, Chuuk to Guam and Guam to Yap. In Yap we were greeted by a traditionally dressed women, so yes she was topless. We got our luggage, and were off to the hotel for the night. The hotel was very nice! We had a meeting on Sunday morning, then my new host mother came to pick me up. I am now living with just a 65 year old women and her 11 year old grandson. Which is very different from the last host family I was in. I spent the day unpacking and organizing what will be my new room for the next two years. Transitioning to knew places is always hard for me, but this time I find myself home sick times two. One for my family back in the states and one for my family back in Pohnpei. I will never forget them. As I start my new journey here in Yap I must remember that I was very homesick in the beginning in Pohnpei and so it is normal to be while in Yap too. The village I am living in is very small, one store, one school and thats about it. My host mom doesn't have a car so getting into town could be hard, even though it is doable, I dont know how much I will actually do it. The bugs are worse here then they were on Pohnpei, but I will just continue killing the ants as the walk across my arm, chest or legs. Today was not an easy day for me, but I have to believe it will be better. 

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