Thursday, August 28, 2014

The work begins

I took my first week off to explore the island and after a couple of days I felt like I could find my way around easy enough. I was eager to meet my principal, he is going to be my boss for the next two years so I was anxious to meet him and talk about his expectations for the upcoming years. My host mom is sisters with my principal so she said that on Sunday after church we could go to his house and meet him. So Sunday morning I got up, we went to church, which was beautiful. The church overlooks a beach and the view of the ocean is breath taking. The preist is from Indonesia, so the mass was half in English and half in Yapese. After church we got ice cream and hung out at the little store so my host mom could show me off to all the people in the village. We then went to the pricipals house, and his wife informed me he had gone fishing for the day. UGH is all I could think! Why doesnt the principal want to meet me? So on Monday at 8:00am I went to the school, all of the teachers had to be there because registration was happening. I met all of the 8 teachers that work at my small school. I just waited and got to know them a little. Around 11 the principal came in! Yay! I finally get to meet him. He is very nice and is happy to have me. He gave me a key to the library and told me if I had time to clean it up. Well, let me tell you something about this library, it has awesome potential, but it hadnt been used for the past 5 years, the dust and spider webs were enough to send someone into a coma! There was a huge beautiful map on the back wall that was created by a former Peace Corps member... But no one could see it because there were shelves and books everywhere! Soo many books and no one was reading them! Now, I am not a huge reader myself, but what a shame! I immediately got to work! Hair up, basketball shorts on, dust pan in hand, i was determined to make this library run by the time school started, which was a little under a week away. I worked all day Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. From 8:30-3 with a lunch break for about 20 min. I went home exhausted, and so dirty! But in those three days I turned a storage room into a beautiful library. School starts on Monday and I cant wait to show the kids it. I will also be running the library, which I dont know a lot about, but I am doing research. I also found our that I will be teaching 6,7 and 8th grade. My day will start at 8:30-10:00 with the 8th graders then I have a break from 10:00-11:00 where I will be fixing up the library or maybe I will start working on the computer lab ( they have 10 very nice computers that arent being used!!) then from 11:00-12:30 I will have my 7th grade students then lunch from 12:00-1:00. I will end the day with the 6th grade class from 1:00-2:30. Then I will have 2:30-4:00 to lesson plan for the next day. I think it will all work out. I am excited to start teaching, the first day is Monday! Oh, I almost forgot, there is no where in my village to use internet, so I have to go into town to use it, I will try to do this about once a week so you all can stay informed! I will say everything seems to be working out, but I cant shake the feeling of having no friends, I am still new and no one really talks to me. The other Peace Corps members live in town or far from me. I also feel like I am losing touch with my friends back home, leaving me feeling like I have no friends. Dont forget about me! I still miss you all so much! I talk to my host mom a lot, but sometimes I have no idea what she is saying to me. So we watch old episodes of desperate housewives and bond over that. Well thats all for now, next time I write I will have news about my first week of teaching!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you're feeling a little better...wonderful news. I hope you settle in quickly and enjoy all the Peace Corp and Yap have to offer. You are certainly not forgotten here at all, I read all your blog posts and will try to be better about commenting just so you know you are thought of back here in the states where our lives are not nearly as exciting as yours. :) Caroline
