Monday, October 13, 2014


Well, one of the teachers has to leave the island for health reasons, so for the next 2 weeks we are down a teacher, the school was already down one before he left! So I offered my only off period to teach health to the 7th graders. I did this because I don't want the students running around and I want them to have a structured class, but the more I think about it the more steessed I get. I am also going to help with the kids paddling practice on Mondays. All of a sudden I have no time to lesson plan or even breath it feels like! I do best when I am busy and I know these next few weeks will fly by! It's only Tuesday and I cant wait for Friday already! I am however excited to teach health, I think I have a lot to offer the kids on the subject! Maybe the first thing I will teach is that being stressed is unhealthy 😉 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Funny little things

, Well what an interesting day I had. Let me first start by saying that last night on our way home from paddling practice the truck broke down, so the team got an unexpected workout walking home. It was only about a 30 min. Walk, but of course it broke down on the day that I had a package from home, so I had extra baggage one would say. This morning I woke up to find that ants had found a new home around my food. Ants are everywhere here and I have grown to ignore most of them, or kill them with my bare hand. But them making a new home in my food drawer really started my day off bad. When I arrived at school the internet had turned off, something that happens often, but I have learned to deal with. Well this morning, weither it was my extra walk the night before, the ants, the internet or my premenstral state, I was quite irritated. After my first class I cooled down a little bit. I am so used to formality and order that going with the flow doesn't come easy for me. Being here I have learned to go with the flow, and it is mornings like this morning that it is really important to go with the flow. After school I went for a nice run and did a workout with my host brother. After that I felt 100% better. I ate dinner (tuna and taro). After that I helped the group that works with the youth on developing a radio skit to prevent underage drinking. It was fun and I might even get to be in the skit, then I will be on the radio here! I will be famous! At least Yap famous! I am really happy to get involved with this group, and drinking in general is a huge problem here in Yap. After this I took a shower. My host mom loves to talk, and I love to talk to her and listen, but she finds the oddest times to talk to me. Like tonight for instance, after my shower, while in my towel and soking wet she stops me to have a full on conversation. It is moments like this that I smile, because looking over my day, all the way to that moment, I had to just laugh and kept the conversation going. These are the funny little things in life that people live for. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Busy Bee

Sorry I have not posted in a while, I have been a very busy bee! Like I said in my last post, I joined the paddling team so I have something to do almost every night of the week, which really make the weeks go by fast! I am told that being a busy peace corps volunteer is much better then being a bored one, so for that I am thankful, but sometimes I wish I could have a little break. I really like paddling, and we have 34 days until the canoe festival. That is where we will be competing against the other municipalities. This is only the second year that Gagil (my municipality) has had a team and last year they took third. At the festival there will also be swimming races and local sailing. They will also have shows with local dancing! I am very excited to see the festival and even more excited to be involved in it. Last weekend I was sick, and man did that suck! I had a bad cold and it made my busy schedule seem unattainable, but somehow i managed to get through it and the sickness only lasted for about four days. And lucky for me it waa over a weekend so it didnt effect school for me much. That weekend Gagil had a Walk-a-thon where the community wakes up at 5:30am on a Saturday walks to the beach(about two miles) plays games, watches the sunrise then on the walk back they pick up trash along the road. The kids loved it, and even though I was sick, I had a great time. My Sundays are completely full now. I wait for a phone call from my parents at 8:30am then go to church at 10am then leave for paddling practice at 12:30 and we dont normally come back until around 7-8pm! They are quite the days! My students are doing well in my classes, I still struggle sometimes with lesson planning and at what level my students are at, but overall it is going well. I really like my students. I am getting closer with they other teachers too, which is nice. My host family is great. I tried betelnut because it is part of the culture here, and the locals love it when I "have a chew" with them. have found that I actually like it, and I now limit myself to only a couple a week. This past weekend we got more books delivered to the library. At the end of the day the library is a mess. I used to get upset about it, but now it doesn't bother me, it means the students are actually looking at the books. I talked to the director of youth sports, we are going to aet up a boxing club, but we are going to wait until after the new year because that is when all the new equipment is going tobe  coming in. I am happy to announce that I will be coming hone for Christmas. I didn't announce this before becauseIwanted to surprise Emily( my sister) but my loving mother let the cat out of the bag, but it doesnt take any excitement away from me coming home, I still cant wait! October had been kind of a hard month for me because i love fall time in Colorado, and the weather is exactly the same here. I got really homesick. It would be nice to sleep one noght without worrying if a spider will crawl over my face, or have one meal without ants getting into my food. But, at the end of the day these are all minor things, i can get past them, but I do miss my family more than I was expecting, but being away really shows you who is important and what is important. With having the internet, it has been easier to stay in touch and I am very thankful for that. The internet at my school is off and on though, somedays it works, others it doesn't. I have noticed on the days it doesnt work, I get a lot of work done in the library, so there are pluses and minuses to every situation, the key to mental survival is finding the pluses and thinking only about them. I think I am very good at doing this and that is why I am having a good time through this experience. I have noticed that I am very adaptable. Also since my last post, my bed broke, so now the wooden frame is being held up by one of my suitcases, it actually works quite well! Who knew I could be so handy! I got a great care package from my mom today filled with yummy food. I will sleep good tonight because we spent the afternoon paddling and when I wake up let's pray the ants haven't gotten to all that yummy food! That's all for now! 'Till next time!