Monday, October 13, 2014


Well, one of the teachers has to leave the island for health reasons, so for the next 2 weeks we are down a teacher, the school was already down one before he left! So I offered my only off period to teach health to the 7th graders. I did this because I don't want the students running around and I want them to have a structured class, but the more I think about it the more steessed I get. I am also going to help with the kids paddling practice on Mondays. All of a sudden I have no time to lesson plan or even breath it feels like! I do best when I am busy and I know these next few weeks will fly by! It's only Tuesday and I cant wait for Friday already! I am however excited to teach health, I think I have a lot to offer the kids on the subject! Maybe the first thing I will teach is that being stressed is unhealthy 😉 

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