Thursday, October 9, 2014

Funny little things

, Well what an interesting day I had. Let me first start by saying that last night on our way home from paddling practice the truck broke down, so the team got an unexpected workout walking home. It was only about a 30 min. Walk, but of course it broke down on the day that I had a package from home, so I had extra baggage one would say. This morning I woke up to find that ants had found a new home around my food. Ants are everywhere here and I have grown to ignore most of them, or kill them with my bare hand. But them making a new home in my food drawer really started my day off bad. When I arrived at school the internet had turned off, something that happens often, but I have learned to deal with. Well this morning, weither it was my extra walk the night before, the ants, the internet or my premenstral state, I was quite irritated. After my first class I cooled down a little bit. I am so used to formality and order that going with the flow doesn't come easy for me. Being here I have learned to go with the flow, and it is mornings like this morning that it is really important to go with the flow. After school I went for a nice run and did a workout with my host brother. After that I felt 100% better. I ate dinner (tuna and taro). After that I helped the group that works with the youth on developing a radio skit to prevent underage drinking. It was fun and I might even get to be in the skit, then I will be on the radio here! I will be famous! At least Yap famous! I am really happy to get involved with this group, and drinking in general is a huge problem here in Yap. After this I took a shower. My host mom loves to talk, and I love to talk to her and listen, but she finds the oddest times to talk to me. Like tonight for instance, after my shower, while in my towel and soking wet she stops me to have a full on conversation. It is moments like this that I smile, because looking over my day, all the way to that moment, I had to just laugh and kept the conversation going. These are the funny little things in life that people live for. 

1 comment:

  1. Remember Jenny, that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Keep swatting those ants!

    Your Uncle Bob
