Sunday, July 27, 2014

Water falls

This week went super fast, with model school and both went great, except one of my students, who is 11, found me on Facebook, which is a little concerning. Two days this week we went to Kolonia to watch the Microgames. These are Micronesian Olympics. It was amazing, the first day we went we didn't have a lot of time so I didn't get to see a lot of sports, just track and field warm up. The 2nd day we went there I was able to watch a full volleyball game, Pohnpei Vs. The Marshal Islands. Pohnpei won! I also got a chance to talk to the volleyball team from Yap. This gave me a good opportunity to practice my Yappese and Network a little. It turns out that there is a huge sports complex right outside the village I will be living in Yap. I talked to some people about possibly coaching, refing or even playing in some of the volleyball, basketball, and soccer leagues. This made me so excited because watching the games really made me miss boxing and just sports in general. I am very excited to go to Yap. This weekend we were going to try to do The 6 waterfall hike, which is a huge hike here on Pohnpei for tourists. It's about a 6-7 hour hike up and down the mountains of Pohnpei. There are 6 waterfalls that make the shape of a heart. About 10 of us wanted to do the hike, so we found a ride and a guide, however they say if it is raining then you should not do the hike. Well it was pouring on Saturday morning when I woke up, so I just got ready as if we were going to go. We ended up not being able to do it because of the rain, so we are going to try again next weekend, but we did do a shorter "easier" hike to the Twin Waterfalls. Now, I haven't done a lot of hiking, so I really have no comparison. But I would be willing to bet this was a more advanced hike. There were points on the hike that we were walking through rivers, doing vertical climbs with a rope, while it was raining! It was a nice reminder on why I like to have muscles. These waterfalls were absolutly beautiful, unfortunatly I have no pictures because it was pouring rain, and we had to walk through a river, so I decided not to take any electrical devices. Mom, I know you will be upset, but I have mental pictures, and I am very willing to describe them :) also, mom, when you come visit, maybe we can make  a trip to Pohnpei and do the hike so you can see for yourself. I will say that although it was raining, the hike was awesome, but very very cold. This is the first time since I have been here that I have been this uncomfortably cold before. Once I was home I took a quick freezing cold bucket shower then got into the warmest clothes I brought. I ate lunch then spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping in the living room while the kids watched Disney movies. I spent my night drinking a bottle of wine instead of Sakaw. It was great because I got to be with my family, and also drink something I enjoy. It was a lovely day. On Sunday we were going to go back to the pretty place we went swimming last weekend, but surprise, it was raining again all day. I already finished my book, so I knew the day would be long. It actually went pretty fast. I went for a run down to where our training is so I could get some wifi, but then the power went out because it was raining so hard, so I only got wifi for about 30 min. I then ran home in the pouring rain. Once I was home I took a shower and just relaxed, I fell asleep watching Disney movies again with the kids. It was a very peaceful rainy Sunday. My host sister and cousin spent the afternoon braiding my hair, I now have 10 beautiful braids in my hair. The only problem I have about the day is that for breakfast, lunch and dinner I was served the exact same dish, brown rice with pork, very very fatty pork. I couldn't eat the pork so I ended up eating mostly just brown rice, I snacked on some peanut butter m&ms so I got a little protein :-). Off for another week, it's our last week of model school! Man time is flying! 

1 comment:

  1. Is anyone from your group going to Woleai or Mogmog?
