Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New Found Talents

I haven't blogged in a while, and honestly that is because not much has changed. My host sister was gone for about 5 days in the town, so I was extremly bored. She is really the only one I can talk to and she understands 100% what I say. I took this as an opportunity to explore new things. Last week I started doing yoga with a fellow volunteer. I love it, except I am not very good at it. I am not using it as a substitue for running, just an addition to keep me busy in the afternoons after training. Training has been good, I feel like we are finally doing things that could be useful. We started TESL training and meet with local teachers to help. In two weeks we will be conducting a model school, which will be like student teaching for us. We will be teaching summer school to the middle schoolers here. In the afternoon we do language training. Yapess is extremly hard, and I leave everyday with a head ach. We had fried chicken one night for dinner and I was so hungry that I ate it all, and so my host family took this as a hint to make it for me every night for dinner. It is tasty, but my stomach hates me! I am going to continue doing yoga and run, hopfully that will help my body out with all this fried food! Water ran out at our house yesterday, so i showered in the river, with an eel, creepy!  I think my host family might be getting sick of the fried chicken because tonight we had chicken soup. Very yummy, but very salty. M host dad went to the high school today and borrowed the boxing punching bag for the summer! So now I have yet another way to work off the fried chicken. I see new wild life everyday, yesterday I saw a frog in the outhouse, and today a chicken run into our classroom, totally disrupting class. Hilarious things that get us through the days. I am feeling much more at home with my host family as my personality is able to show more. I have developed a routine and I am sticking to it, which makes the days go by faster. I always have something to look forward to. My favorite time of my day is having morning coffee. It tastes so good here, maybe because my host mom puts 5 scoops of sugar in it. It always gives me a chance to look out side and think to myself. Sometimes I still can't believe I am here. Thats all for now, 'till next time!   

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenny, I think Google might have eaten my first comment. Anyway I just wanted to tell you to please keep writing, no detail is to small to share with us back home! You are very brave for seeking out such unique experiences. I would DIE if I found an eel anywere near me....
