Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Winding down

Now that we have started Model School, time is going fast. I only have 2 more weekends with my host family. Because of this I am trying to spend as much time with them as possible. Friday night I drank Sakaw with them. My host sister and I had a great conversation on this night about relationships. Here on Pohnpei, relationship are kept behind closed doors until the couple is ready to get married. This means everything is done secretive behind their parents and siblings back, but this is seen as respectful. Very different from in the US. I love my host sister, I would consider her one of my best friends here. Yesterday, she, along with my 2 host cousins took me to a place to go swimming. We left in kind of a rush so I forgot my camera, which I am so upset about because it might have been one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. First, we had to walk down a very steep and muddy, hill. Once we got there we were completly surrounded by huge trees, we were In the middle of the jungle. The water area was small, maybe the size of a small swimming pool, but it was deep. Because of this we were able to jump of the clif into it. It was so much fun! They told me not to worry because we can come back next weekend and I can bring my camera. The only bad part about the day was I got water in both my ears. It was very painful and nothing I did seemed to help. Thankfully when I woke up the next day it was gone. Back to school tomorrow, my class is being observed, wish me luck! 

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