Saturday, July 12, 2014

Week in review

This week of training was our last before we start Model School. Model School is very similar to student teaching. I got very luck and I have an amazing local co-teacher. She already has experience working with Peace Corps Voulnteers, so working together seems very natural. Although the weekends are long and boring I was very excited for this weekend to come. Training this week took a lot out of me. I was exhausted everyday after and was in bed every night by 9. I have a nice routine during the week, which is why they go by so fast. I am so drained by the end of the day I enjoy coming coming to my host family. I have gained some weight, which is frustrating, but I have started eating brown rice instead of the white rice and I have cut back on the sweets. Hopefully this will help. It is hard with all the carbs the locals eat on a daily bases. Today, Saturday, I woke up early to do laundry. I woke up and realized I didn't have any more clean underwear! Something so simple yet so necessary! I worked out and even boxed a little bit with my host cousins. I went to another volunteers house in the afternoon to watch a movie. It was a nice way to pass the time, but I do feel guilty leaving my host family, they call that Peace Corps Guilt. It must be normal since they have a name for it. I am anxious to start Model School. Me, my co-teacher, another volunteer and her co-teacher have an 8th grade class that we will switch off every other day teaching. Two English classes and either a math or science class. Their are 15 students in the class. We got to see our class room on Friday and do a little clean up and rearranging. We made our lesson plan for Monday, and let me just say, lesson planning is very time consuming and I think it is safe to say it could be the hardest part about being a teacher. I am excited to see how the first week will go. Of course I will let you all know. I am feeling better from last week, I just miss home. I am still adjusting and probably always will be adjusting to life here, but it is starting to feel more like home. That's all for now, miss you all! 

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