Thursday, June 5, 2014

Arrived in Pohnpei

Today we finished our long legs of flights to finally arrive in Pohnpei, Micronesia. We were greeted at the airport by a group of wonderful Peace Corps staff. We all recieved a local head dress and got on the bus to our hotel. All was well, but let me tell you, it is HOT!!! and when I say HOT I mean every single one of us was sweeting visabley. But I will say it is not nearly as embarrasing sweeting when everyone else is doing it too. In a way, it brought the group together even more. We arrived at out hotels and I took a cold shower right away. It felt amazing, but the second I stepped out of the shower I was stemming hot again. I was able to get wifi from the hotel to contact my family back home and tell them I had arrived safley. We then went to a welcoming dinner. Here we drank from a coconut and ate the local food. The local food was fried fish, sushi with spam, different rice, fruit, fresh tuna, and a salad (with ranch dressing). It was very yummy, and the cocunt really helped with my hydration! Leaving dinner I had a bunch of different emotions, I love it here, it is absolutly beautiful, but the reality of living here for 2 years has set in. I am feeling home sick today, but I know I will have days like this. I did some yoga with my hotel room mate and I felt a lot better. I know that working out will be a struggle here, but I will make it work! Tomorrow we have individual meetings with the director, we will talk with him about our expectations and wants for the next two years. I am so used to having a set schedule that this transition has been hard, but I know once I get into a daily routine the days will fly by and I will start feeling more at home! Till next time,

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