Sunday, June 15, 2014

Field trip

Today we took a field trip into town. This is about an hour ride, but the bus was air conditioned so no one cared. It is funny how the small things become big ones. Also, I don't think I will ever get used to seeing chickens and pigs walking on the streets. I just want to say now, if I haven't already, that the group of Americans that I am training with are absolutly amazing. I laughed so hard I cried at least three times today. They help every bad situation seem a little bit better. It is always nice to laugh about your misfortunes with others going through the same things. We talk about poop a lot, and our showering situation. Mine is quite interesting. Like for instance, in my host family, we shower outside with a bucket . It is closed in on the sides, but there is a huge opening that everyone in the kitchen area can see. I had a shower dress to shower in so that my naked body wasn't showing everywhere, but for some reasoned the shower dress has disappeared, maybe it is getting washed, ironically. So my last two shower have been completely naked facing the house. I have given up, and I now officially don't care if anyone sees me naked. Today when we were in town, we visited a garden. Here I got to husk a coconut. This is quit difficult, buying one on the streets for .50 cents seems much easier. But at least I know that if I was ever lost on an island, I could survive on coconuts. We also had a chance to buy some of the locally grown food. I bought some avocados and cucumbers for my host family. I also bought a local skirt. When I showed my host family the skirt, they asked why I bought it, and asked if I didn't like the skirt that was given to mr by them. I told them that I loved the skirt given to me by them, I just needed more skirts. Then they all talked to each other in Pohnpein. After a discussion that I have no idea what was said, my host dad told me to not buy any more skirts and that instead my host mom will make me skirts. I hope I didn't offend anyone, but I do really like my new skirt! We played more uno tonight, they absolutly love it. I get kind of bored with it, but at least I am spending time with my host family. Also, my host sister gave me a bucket so if I have to pee in the middle of the night I don't have to leave my room. I am so excited about this, like I said, it is the little things :) I am getting heat rash prettying much all over my body, but besides this, nothing else is really new. I am still learning everyday, I can't wait to see what this weekend has to bring. 

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