Sunday, June 8, 2014

First day with my host family

Today we met our host family. I was so nervous. I had so many questions and no idea what to expect. Well I defiantly felt the culture shock today. Man am I thankful for what I have in the U.S. I am so grateful for the hospitality I have been given because I know they went out of my way to make me feel more at home. I sweated more today then I ever have, but I have a fan to sleep with, which I am so happy about! I now have a 7 year old sister, a father who works for the department of education and a mother that makes the best skirts in the town. They served me dinner of crab, chicken, rice and breadfruit, along with their traditional drink "sakow" they spell ohm might be wrong on that. 
     Today I had many feelings, I was very anxious all day, followed by a lot of homesickness and doubt. I found myself doubting myself on if I can make it 27 months, or even till the end of the day. As I walked to bed, I was treated by a HUGE spider, good thing it was leaving my room and not going in. My host brother, who I have not met, and might never meet because he is older, married, and moved far away, is an MMA fighter! Hearing that made me smile! My family is protisant, however they don't seem big on going to church. Tomorrow we might spend the day exploring, or maybe just sleeping. I would be okay with either. I will write again tomorrow to let you know how. My first full day went with my host family. For now I am exhausted and off to bed!! Night,

On Saturday night I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, of course I have to use the out house. I exit my room and see my whole family sleeping on the floor in front of my door. I try to tip toe around them to get to the out house. The mother wakes up and Insistes on coming out with my for protection.. This is very nice, but around 4a.m. Every morning I wake up to go pee. She is going to get really sick of me. I woke up this morning to two geckos running across my ceiling. I am sure much more will happen today that I will be sure to post. 
   Well today was quit eventful. I cried during breakfast as I showed my "family" my actual family from home. I was very homesick this morning, I sent a message to my mom telling her I wanted to come home. My host family has been very supportive and have done everything they can to help me not be so homesick. They took me to their grandfathers house so I could use the internet, which is when I told my mom I wanted to come home. After that we went and saw some haunted ruins. I slipped and fell into the water, which was a good laughing point. My whole back was socked, but it felt good after the hike up there. We had lunch there, picnic style. We ate left overs from breakfast and dinner. I really need to get used to rice and chicken. I didn't get a chance to run or workout today, but my host dad showed me where the closest track is, which is dirt, but it is like that in Humboldt, IA too ;). I talked to Brandon on the phone and he really helped me understand that is it going to be hard at first but it will get easier. After the ruins we went to a waterfall. It is absolutly beautiful!! Spending the day with my host sisters and cousin really helped me. I told them I was home sick and they understood. At the waterfalls I was able to talk to my sister on the phone. I loved hearing her voice. But I cried again. We got caught in the rain walking back from the waterfall, good thing my backpack is water risistant. Tomorrow we have training from 8:30-5. So that will keep me busy. At least when I am busy I don't think about home as much. Love you all! Be thankful for what you have! If I learn anything it is that! 

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