Wednesday, June 11, 2014

First week of training

As I become more adjusted and used to life here, my blogs might become less routine, because less happens to me that is blog worthy. I don't think you want to hear about every adventure I have in the shower, because let me tell you, every shower is quite the adventrue, or every time I use the outhouse, which has become more frequent because my stomach is still getting used to the food. For now, water hasn't been an issue because we have purified water at training, and we are in training from 8:30am to 5pm every day. I will say that I have never thought about how much water I drink until now. I am constantly thinking if I have enough water to last the day, or to stay hydrated, because I am still sweating constantaly. I never feel clean because once I get done showering, I start sweating again. They say I will get used to the heat, I hope that happens sooner rather than later. In our training we are learnin about health saftey along with general saftey tips. My host family does have lice, but I was checked and I do not have it, yet. ;) We are going to learn how to garden to promote a healthier lifestyle on the island. I am so exicted about this, because like water, I constantly worry about the amout of veggies I eat. Something I never worried about in the States. Next week we find out our final sites. I do know that I will be on a main island, which island, I don't know. I am at a much better place emotionally, I feel accepted by my host family and I know I am here for a reason. I am going to try to post once a week, but don't hold me to it. There is not a lot of wifi here, and when I do connect, it is extremely slow. So slow that I can only post one picture at a time, and sometimes I have to retry 5 times before it uploads. I also can not see anyones pictures on facebook, or read a lot of the statuses. So I have no idea what is going on at home, so write me letters! 
 Today we visited a school. One of the current voluneers serves there now. We sat in on a class that she taught and it was amazing! She was a music major, so she taught enghlish and music. The class sang for us, and it was so beautiful. They sang Lean On Me and it gave me chills. I took a video, however there is not way it will load with this internet, but I will try to upload it on my facebook! We have a gardening class later this afternoon with some more health and safety courses. Training is going great! Tomorrrow we are taking a field trip to town to observe a local garden and market, I am very excited about that, I NEED VEGGIES!! Last night I played uno with my host sister, it was so much fun! I learned how to say blue, green, red and yellow in Pohnpein. I love my host family! I had some diarrhea this morning so I took some anti-diarrhea medication and ate 4 small, very small, bananas, so now I will probably be uncomfortably constipated for a couple days, haha, I can't decide which is worse. Sorry I am talking about my poop on here, but it is the reality of my situation. Many of the trainees have gotten really sick, so I consider myself lucky!   

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